March 6, 2007

I Thought About Exercise Today. Does That Count?

I am truly not off to a very good start on my exercise plan for the week. Ugh!

Monday was a total bust with trying to figure out wth is wrong with my dryer. Pulled it out, flipped it over, checked the lint traps and vents, but can't get it open to see what's making the noise. Does that count as exercise? Probably not since it's so light. Then there was the complete meltdown I almost had when my computer shut off again and this time wouldn't come back on for almost an hour. Oh good lord! Thankfully it's still hobbling along and an awesome friend offered to build me a new one. You rock!

Today. Well I really don't have any excuse for today other than I'm a complete slacker. I spent the morning working on stuff around the house and talking on the phone. Finally got in the shower with the intention of picking up the kid from school and having him take a walk with me since the weather was absolutely gorgeous today. See, I thought about it. Instead, I took my shower, had a sinking spell, and cat napped until it was time to pick him up. When I got to school he asked if he could play for a little while and 45 minutes later I told him we needed to go. After two store stops, and back home for homework time, it was time for dinner.

Obviously I'm not making it a priority. And obviously that needs to change.

So, that plan for tomorrow is this. Get up. Get the kid to school. Then come home and exercise before sitting my butt down or getting on the phone.

Wish me luck.


Groove said...

Good luck not picking up the phone...really :)

Anonymous said...

Hey! I know its tomorrow already and I know you exercised already, but....Good Luck! LOL